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Latex Symbols (3 of 5)


Symbols Latex Command Symbols Latex Command
%$ \leftarrow $% \leftarrow %$ \Leftarrow $% \Leftarrow
%$ \rightarrow $% \rightarrow %$ \Rightarrow $% \Rightarrow
%$ \leftrightarrow $% \leftrightarrow %$ \Leftrightarrow $% \Leftrightarrow
%$ \longleftarrow $% \longleftarrow %$ \Longleftarrow $% \Longleftarrow
%$ \longrightarrow $% \longrightarrow %$ \Longrightarrow $% \Longrightarrow
%$ \longleftrightarrow $% \longleftrightarrow %$ \Longleftrightarrow $% \Longleftrightarrow
%$ \uparrow $% \uparrow %$ \Uparrow $% \Uparrow
%$ \downarrow $% \downarrow %$ \Downarrow $% \Downarrow
%$ \updownarrow $% \updownarrow %$ \Updownarrow $% \Updownarrow
%$ \hookleftarrow $% \hookleftarrow %$ \hookrightarrow $% \hookrightarrow
%$ \leftharpoonup $% \leftharpoonup %$ \rightharpoonup $% \rightharpoonup
%$ \leftharpoondown $% \leftharpoondown %$ \rightharpoondown $% \rightharpoondown
%$ \rightleftharpoons $% \rightleftharpoons %$ \leadsto $% \leadsto
%$ \nearrow $% \nearrow %$ \searrow $% \searrow
%$ \swarrow $% \swarrow %$ \nwarrow $% \nwarrow


Symbols Latex Command Symbols Latex Command
%$a b$% (no space) %$a \ b$% (normal space)
%$a \, b$% \, (thin space) %$a \: b$% \: (medium space)
%$a \; b$% \; (thick space) %$a \! b$% \! (negative thin space, backspace)


Symbols Latex Command   Symbols Latex Command
%$\hat{a}$% \hat{a}   %$\tilde{a}$% \tilde{a}
%$\check{a}$% \check{a}   %$\bar{a}$% \bar{a}
%$\breve{a}$% \breve{a}   %$\vec{a}$% \vec{a}
%$\acute{a}$% \acute{a}   %$\dot{a}$% \dot{a}
%$\grave{a}$% \grave{a}   %$\ddot{a}$% \ddot{a}

Due to page loading constraints, the symbols tables are split up into 5 different topics.

Back to: LatexModePlugin

-- TWiki:Main.AmandaSmith - 25 Apr 2006

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